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How do you think the systematic mass-murder on an industrial scale started?

In 1939, some camps where already there, people already rounded up - but the 'efficient' mass-murder had not started yet.
In the spring of 1939, even before the start of , people from the highest circle started planning. Led by Philipp Bouhler (director of Hitler's private chancellery) and Karl Brandt (Hitler's attending physician).

They planned to murder all 'disabled' children (& later adults) -


Henrik Schönemann

One last thing from me:

Eugenics always leads to murder.
This thinking is much older than the Nazis, and didn't die with them.
It's alive and well - if you know how it looks, you can see it at every corner.
For instance: Phrenology got reinvented by techbros

Even left/progressive/'liberal' groups are not free from it.
Be a Nestbeschmutzer, don't give it a free pass!


@mpjgregoire well, let's not start a discussion about abortion - let me say it clear: I'm

Sure, probably not a discussion we want to have at this time.

As I recall, that article from #TheAtlantic is worth reading though.

@lavaeolus @mpjgregoire
I wouldn't want to discuss the right to abortion, but maybe the practices of prenatal testing

@kleines_z @mpjgregoire yes, that is a discussion that needs to happen!

@lavaeolus Organisiert von der Zeitbild-Stiftung und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Mönchengladbacher 3D-Künstler Gregor Wosik erstellten Schüler*innen auf dem Klinikgelände der LVR-Klinik #Langenfeld dieses 3D- StreetArt Kunstwerk, das die NS-"Euthanasie"-Verbrechen (Aktion T4) in den Mittelpunkt rückt. Die "selektierten" Patient*innen wurden mit grauen Bussen abtransportiert.
Das Kunstwerk liegt mitten im Klinikgelände gegenüber von Haus 50.
#AktionT4 #Psychatrie #LVR #weremember #grauebusse

@altbot Vielen vielen Dank für das Teilen!

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@altbot just do it man 😂 everything on here is public anyways. There’s no reasonable expectation of privacy. All fediverse posts will be used to train AI, as they’re a freely available treasure trove of high-quality human interaction. (I know you’re a bot and won’t respond, it’s okay).

I always wondered why many old people outright refuse to go to a hospital or see a doctor when they are ill or hurt. They repeat "I'm fine! No need, I'm fine!". Like my father in law who was, in the end, not fine but had stage 4 prostate cancer...

Anyway, my theory is that they all remember T4 and therefore try to appear as healthy as possible, afraid to get killed for the sake of a healthy Volkskörper, a citizens body? And oh, every family has at least one story from some uncle or whatever, who was always happy but a bit strange until they suddenly committed suicide. Like you don't go to a therapist or a psycholigist with your issues, you keep them to yourself and repeat that you are fine like a mantra.

And that is, in my opinion, the damage that stuff like T4 does to the people even 90 years later.

@lavaeolus I am sincerely worried now. In the midst of my Mom's death, I'm watching the united snakes remove the mask, showing her true face. And now they're wanting to round up Natives, people Indigenous to this land.

So, as I am trans, and Native, I have some harsh feelings about this. But I do appreciate you and your post, so thank you, Danke, ᏩᏙ.

@lavaeolus I did a deep research paper on T4 when working on my bioethics degrees. Your explanation was incredibly concise and accurate.
There were American programs of eugenics that were a precursor, and informed some of the German doctors, aimed primarily at people of color and people with disabilities, and poor people of every denomination. America didnt take it as far, because until now we didn’t have anyone willing to pervert the power structure to that level. But thousands and thousands died or were forcibly sterilized, or used as experimental subjects, ie the Tuskegee experiments, at about the same time the Nazis were executing children.

One of the T4 perpetrators, Werner Catel, was the author of the standard textbook for pediatric nurses. He was "de-nazified" and taught pediatrics at the University of Kiel after the war.

When he died, he left money to the university under the condition that a "Catel-Stiftung" be set up.

I was in the AStA and Academic Senat, we made the university refuse this blood money and made them start a "Schücking-Stiftung", named after the first Jewish professor to be fired during the "Gleichschaltung".

Nurses were charged but not sentenced for murder.
This is a copy of the prosecution protocol from Hadamar Trial:

@lavaeolus it infuriates me,
The last sentence about nature of nursing profession, which is unable to comprehend range of influence for their actions.
This is not a legacy I want to bear with,as a practicing nurse in Germany.

@lavaeolus I could´t track Hadamar nurses, but many nurses, who participated on T4 were able to practice after being denazified.
Nursing started to reflect WW2 Legacy in 1990ies with Hilde Steppe.
The matron of RedCross Sisterhood remained in her position and was responsible for makeshift of federal law about nursing profession. (Luise von Oertzen)

@lavaeolus but they really did participated, by observing and "recommending" those who were very weak. And they did know about sedatives they gave to their patients and knew what ist going to happen.

@lavaeolus Thank you for this. It is important for us to remember these atrocities. I have one question: what made so many medical professionals go along so willing with this? Was is ideology or fear?

@lavaeolus Thank you for the share Henrik. I shall look at the link with interest. Except it doesn't seem to be working:

@bullivant damn it - Follower-Only strikes again :D
One sec

@lavaeolus Don't worry. I'm very happy to follow you to make sure that I see your posts.